Pendaftaran S1/D3/D4

Daftar Sekarang

Pendaftaran S2

Daftar Sekarang


Tracer studies * are carried out by distributing questionnaires to the employers of graduates, in this case government and private institutions (consultant planners, contractors). The questionnaires distributed were 17 questionnaires (government agencies 6 questionnaires, private 11 questionnaires).

The average waiting time for graduates to get their first job is two months. This data was obtained from a series of tracking studies of graduates of the Architecture Study Program. In the tracking study questionnaire, there were open questions, including: “How long was it before you got a job after graduation?”  Data was taken from a total of 126 questionnaires. Most graduates have jobs within nine months of graduating. The average waiting period for graduates to have work by 9 months was 86% for a waiting period of 1-3 months, 12% for a waiting time of 3-6 months and 2% for a waiting period of 6-9 months.
The percentage of graduates who work according to their expertise was 88%. This data is obtained based on the results of tracking graduates that have been carried out by the Architecture Study Program. In the tracking study questionnaire that has been distributed, there is one question about the extent to which the work conforms with their scientific competence. The answers ranged from “very” to “does not match”  (scale 1 to 5).

Based on the results of the tracking carried out by the Architectural Study Program, the work suitability achieved by graduates is quite good. Nearly half of respondents said that their job was “quite suitable” while 12% said their jobs “do not match”. This can be described also from job choice, where the suitability of the work field based on the profile of graduates who have graduated from the Architecture Study Program, included: 1) Architect as much as 41%, 2) Bureaucracy (PNS) 18%, 3) Architectural Developer 13%, 4) Building Contractors 7%, 5) the remaining 12% work in fields that are not in accordance with graduate profiles.